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Information protection

Network security.png

Protecting your critical information wherever it resides:

  • Information leak protection 

  • Cloud Repositories

  • Data encryption

  • Awareness

  • Information privacy 

Have backup mechanisms in case of operational failure

  • Data backup and recovery

Information leak protection

This is an incident that can be both internal and external, and both intentional and unintentional. Some examples of information leaks could be an employee selling confidential information to competitors (internal and intentional incident), a secretary losing a document in a public place (internal and unintentional incident) or, along the same lines, the loss of a laptop or a pen drive, as well as external access to a database in the organization or a computer infected with a Spyware that sends information to a criminal.

In around 80% of companies that already use Cloud Services today, multicloud strategies increase the complexity of the infrastructure. A cloud strategy with a comprehensive security concept helps you maintain control and avoid risks. And it must cover all aspects and forms of cloud use, both Web Secure Gateway and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). 

Cloud repositories

Data encryption

There are massive amounts of sensitive information managed and stored online in the cloud or on connected servers. Encryption is used in cybersecurity to defend against brute force and cyberattacks, including malware and ransomware. Data encryption works by securing digital data transmitted in the cloud and computer systems.

Social engineering is the number 1 threat for every organization, more than 80% of computer crimes begin due to bad practices by users. Avoid being a victim by investing in the training of your users and creating a culture oriented towards good information management and storage practices, turning your users into the human firewall of your organization


Information privacy 

Cybersecurity measures exist to protect information in the digital environment and among that information to be protected is also personal or confidential information handled by private organizations, public organizations and also individuals themselves.

The purpose of backups is to solve three things for businesses and organizations during their day-to-day operations: any computer or its operating system can fail; Anyone can make mistakes; and disasters seem to happen when you least expect it or are least prepared for it. Therefore, data backup and recovery is an essential part of running a successful organization.). 

Data backup and recovery

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